This week we listen to Black creators and how Twitch is failing them, we talk to game companies about what they are…
Hello! This week we talk about the latest big-budget video game flop, discover how gross pelicans can be, check out…
Hello! This week we learn about the latest Twitch controversy, celebrate the 40th anniversary for Pac-Man, check out…
Hello! This week we learn how Twitch plans to protect streamers from harassment, think about how long it has been…
Hello! This week we learn more about a small Easter Egg in Final Fantasy 7, watch AOC visit islands in Animal…
Hello! This week we dunk on Elon Musk, check out a cool LEGO Mario game, watch an android do some flips, ask rich…
Hello! This week we grow weed on Twitch, learn about some new Marvel characters coming to Fornite, hear what it’s…
Hello! This week we check out the new Spongebob game, learn what NPCs do in Fallout 76 when you drop a nuke on them,…
Hello! This week we check out the new Streets Of Rage trailer, learn how most games on Steam don’t make much money,…
Hello! This week we learn about a game with secret crossplay, find out how terrible Game X Change is, see the first…
Hello! This week we use Half-Life to teach math, watch the trailer for next big Animal Crossing update, shock…
Hello! This week we hear what the White House thinks about video game speedrunners, buy all the Gundam kits at the…
Hello! This week we remember our old Neopets, check out the new costumes being added to Doom Eternal, play Jenga…
Hello! This week we watch someone accidentally shoot a gun while streaming, sell a console for $360k, step on some…
Hello! This week we fall asleep while playing games, learn about all the companies skipping GDC, ask how Greninja…
Hello! This week we cut up some giant ships, complain about the long load times in Destiny 2, find a dead body in Ani…
Hello! This week we play some creepy demos, learn about the new Division 2 expansion, find out what’s hidden in the…
Hello! This week we learn just how much money Ninja made switching to Mixer, play music using old TVs, learn more…
Hello! This week we use old Xbox consoles to get around a new Xbox Live rule, see what Untitled Goose Game would…
Hello! This week we watch a Minecraft player electrocute themselves, get ready to go to Hell in Doom Eternal, learn…