The novel coronavirus is impacting the production of anime in Japan. With a state of emergency declared, voice…
Previously, we saw the iconic Final Fantasy VII blade carved in pencil graphite. Now, let’s see it recreated in…
Final Fantasy VII Remake might be set in a fantasy world Gaia and have stupid doors, but that doesn’t make the game…
Keiji Fujiwara was a veteran voice actor with an impressive resume in anime and Japanese games. Today, it was…
In Japan, internet cafes or manga cafes haven’t only been places where people got to surf the internet and read…
In 1996, the Tamagotchi was first launched in Japan. The pet-sim toys were a smash hit. Now, in 2020, Tamagotchi is…
People in Tokyo and Osaka are being told to stay home. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has declared a state of emergency…
Twitter user Shiroi does amazing carvings out of pencil graphite. With Final Fantasy VII Remake out, what better…
Hatsune Miku is no stranger to big, expensive controllers. The latest Hatsune Miku games are no exception.
Starting today, Japanese game rating board CERO (Computer Entertainment Rating Organization) is closing down until…
Over the weekend, Nintendo hardware drew long lines in Japan, which, considering the coronavirus outbreaks, was not a good thing. Today, Nintendo announced that, other than hardware reserved by customers, it would not be shipping any Switch or Switch Lite consoles in Japan.
Dragon Quest’s Slime has been turned into endless products, but this is the first Japanese teapot version I’ve seen. It’s very cute! Priced at 2,500 yen ($23), it goes on sale this May in Japan.
Remember the song “PPAP”? Singer Pikotaro is back with a new version of his 2016 viral hit. Gone are the pens,…
Just as the Japanese government prepares to declare a state of emergency as the number of cases in big cities…
When Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 first came out in Japan back in December 2009, players were not happy with the…
This is the work of Kreatworks, a studio in Phatumthanee, Thailand that specializes in recycled metal art.
Today is April Fool’s Day. Pranks probably aren’t a good idea this year! Pretending you have covid-19 is definitely…
Usually, cosplay builder Gekidan makes helmets and armor. These are not usual times, and recently, he’s been making…
Due to the global novel coronavirus covid-19 pandemic, many people are not only staying at home but working there.…
Yesterday, the World Health Organization officially declared covid-19 a pandemic. The NBA suspended the season. E3…