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If you’ve ever visited the Ghibli Museum in Mitaka, Tokyo, you probably know about its strict photography rules inside. Now that the museum is temporarily shuttered due to coronavirus concerns, it is allowing cameras to film inside for a short tour. Let’s have a look!

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This is not a new Mother (aka Earthbound) game announcement—well, not yet at least. However, it is an announcement that the scripts from all the Mother games will be released later this year in Japan. There will also be other Mother-related announcements before then. Hopefully, that means some Switch ports!

BitSummit will be held online. Earlier this year, it was announced that the indie game event would not be held this May to coronavirus covid-19 concerns. In its place, “BitSummit Gaiden,” an online iteration, will be held from June 27 to June 28, giving indie games in Japan the spotlight they deserve.  
