Some players have been adding Yamcha’s infamous pose to Animal Crossing: New Horizons. But why? The pose is well…
All over the world, the creativity fueled by Animal Crossing continues to impress as players make all sorts of…
This is O-ji. She’s a talented make-up artist who works in a variety of styles. Today, let’s take a look at some of…
As Kotaku reported back in early 2019, the American TV show 24 is getting a Japanese remake. Today we’ve finally…
In 2016, the Bleach manga ended after a 15-year-run. The original anime series had wrapped up a few years earlier in…
Over 20 years ago, Capcom created an anatomical reference guide that is apparently still in use today when bringing…
In January 2019, pop group the Banana Monkeys offered their bath water for 100,000 yen ($930) online. It went under…
Last week, the NBA decided to suspend the season after a player tested positive for the novel coronavirus. That…
Because of coronavirus covid-19 concerns, “social distancing” has become the word of the day. Folks are at home.…
If you wear glasses, like I sometimes do, you know that sickness masks fog them up right quick. The Tokyo…
Each spring, over 150,000 people gather at the Makuhari Messe convention center outside Tokyo for the Nico Nico Cho…
When glasses-wearing characters in anime are shown from their profiles, the sides of their frames are often, but not…
League of Legends pro Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok has donated 30 million Korean won ($25,000) to the prevention of Covid-19. His team SK Telecom 1 will also be donating all money made from this week’s streaming.
In one of Akira’s most memorable scenes, Shotaro Kaneda skids his 200-hp motorcycle sideways. The skid in the…
Shanghai cosplayer and cosplay prop builder The_Bai_Ying says he created a special pod to take his baby to the…
You have probably seen one of Japan’s life-sized Gundams, whether in person or in photos. But have you seen the…
Pikachu-themed medicinal soap and a “no-touch” automatic dispenser have recently gone on sale in Japan. The soap is blue soda lemon-scented and is made by antibacterial soap brand Muse. Hopefully, the soap and dispenser will help kids (and adults) in Japan keep their hands clean.
Smash Bros. creator Masahiro Sakurai has written about working out in his regular column in Weekly Famitsu. One…
While hoarders have been causing toilet paper sell-outs in Japan, there has been a rumor that popular Japanese…
On March 4, 2000, the PlayStation 2 went on sale in Japan. Can you believe it? It only seems like yesterday I got my…