Last week I asked you, my awesome readers, to help video game characters get a bit more into Easter spirit. You all…
It is that wonderful time of the year when bunnies lay eggs and Jesus did something. I think? I actually don’t know…
Last week I asked you wonderful readers to add some more video games to a series of fashion photos and models. I…
Recently, EA and clothing company Moschino revealed a new line of fashion items based on The Sims 4. More…
Last week I challenged the wonderful readers of Kotaku to reveal some Nintendo secrets. After learning that Nintendo…
Earlier this week we learned that the true nature of Kirby’s feet will never be revealed. This is secret knowledge…
Last week I challenged you, fine folks, to add some pencils to the world of video games. It was National Pencil Day…
Hey did you know that yesterday was National Pencil Day? I didn’t know until I saw it on Google. So let’s celebrate…
Last week I asked the talented readers of Kotaku to help my boss, Kotaku’s Editor-In-Chief Stephen Totilo, play Labo…
Nintendo recently invited folks to come try out their new Labo kits. These kits turn the Nintendo Switch into a VR…
Last week I asked the artistic readers of Kotaku to take Sonic and Tails on a road trip to anywhere. It seemed only…
Sega revealed a new animated series of shorts based on the upcoming Team Sonic Racing. In all fairness, Sonic…
Last week I asked the creative readers of Kotaku to have some fun with Trebek after the sad news came out that he…
Sometimes you hear a bit of news that catches you off guard. I recently experienced this when I saw a short video of…
Last week I asked you amazing artists to take the newly revealed Pokemon Gen 8 starters and share them with other…
Earlier this week we were shown the first glimpse at the new Pokemon games, Sword and Shield. We also got our first…
Last week I asked you creative Kotaku readers to celebrate National Tortilla Chip Day and give the tasty chips to…
Who doesn’t love some salsa and chips? Well half of that great combo is being celebrated today because it’s National…
Last week I asked you fine folks to add Terry Crews into more games. You all did great, adding Terry to some games I…
Crackdown 3 was recently released and the world now has a video game starring Terry Crews. This is a good thing. But…