Hello! This week we explore an amazing FPS level made in Mario Maker, escape from an angry raccoon, talk about WWE…
Hello! This week we check out the new Call Of Duty, learn about the bizarre tale of the fake game studio, anger that…
Hello! This week we figure out a secret way to get more Spider-Men, discover a weird trick Sindel can do, take…
Hello! This week we fight Thanos with our friends, prepare for some Gears of War beta action, discover what a…
Hello! This week we find a never released NES game, explore the history of the Air Bud franchise, figure out how…
Hello! Today we learn about a canceled Toy Story game, get some flashlights, drink some “Vacation Juice” and watch…
Hello! Today we meet drink some semen, sacrifice a pizza, learn about the future of Gears of War, talk about Farmvill…
Hello! Today we meet Andre 3000, finally get our canvas bags, look at some bad wigs and play 20 questions with…
Hello! E3 is here, basically, and these past few days have been filled with a bunch of leaks and news. Plus, a giant…
Hello! Today we try to figure out what Death Stranding is, discuss pornography playing cards, prank The Master…
Hello! Today we get banned for buying too many games, watch a robot get angry, learn when the Sonic movie is…
Hello! Today we discuss popping pimples, mispronounce Pikachu, learn more about Super Mario Maker 2 and watch Tidus…
Hello! Today we watch Sonic tap his foot, cheer on a mini-Shrek, crash some Xbox consoles, skin some nuggets and…
Hello! Today we learn how to spell Jason Statham’s name, watch a man lose five years of progress, torture our cats…
Hello! Today we ignore the freakers, watch a monkey surf the web, discuss how Yoda talks, ask “What is Rage 2?” and…
Hello! Today we long to ride a motorcycle, discover the corn man, think about tricking pirates on a deserted island…
Today we talk about the origin of our online usernames, hang out with Snoop Dog, figure out what is going on with…
Today we wait for someone to drag our corpse home, ponder Kirby’s feet, watch rich white dudes “dance” and discuss…
Today we find out that Gordon Ramsay hates deep fried Gundams, learn what dreams you have when you are asleep for…
Today we find out what the most popular indie games are on the Switch, learn how to use a calculator to beat a game,…