Anyone fancy a tussle with Apex Rathalos, maybe kill it, strip it like a stolen car, and wear its skin like a…
Once you get comfortable with the basics of Monster Hunter Rise, the real game of grinding out rare materials for…
Sure, the hunting monsters is cool and all. But I think the best part of the Monster Hunter games is all the good…
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: “A single Dorito would kill a pilgrim instantly.” In a similar vein, if you…
Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t get into Monster Hunter Rise. Fans of the kaiju-killing series are legion, and…
Let’s drop this pretense about what the weekend is for and get straight to the point. Of course I will be playing…
Whenever a massive game is released, no doubt, diehard fans wish nothing more than to take the day off. Some may…
The review embargo for Monster Hunter Rise has lifted, and while I’ve been having a heck of a good time battling…
Monster Hunter fans have a date with a newly-hatched baby Rathalos on July 9, when Capcom launches Monster Hunter…
Details are currently scant, but Capcom has announced that it’s aiming to bring Monster Hunter Rise to PC in early 2022. The game will be released on the Nintendo Switch next month.
To mark the release of Monster Hunter Rise this March, Nintendo is releasing a special emblazoned Switch in Japan.
As Kotaku recently reported, a racist line of dialogue in the Monster Hunter movie led to thousands of negative…
In the last 48 hours Monster Hunter: World has received over 2000 negative reviews on Steam after a racist joke in…
When the first trailer for the live-action Monster Hunter movie debut, some fans might have been surprised by the…
To mark the release of the live-action Monster Hunter movie, Milla Jovovich’s character, Captain Natalie Artemis,…
The live-action Monster Hunter movie will begin its Japanese theatrical run next year on March 26, which is the same day Monster Hunter Rise is getting released on the Nintendo Switch. In case you missed the movie trailer, check it out here.
If you had issues with the live-action Monster Hunter trailer, the movie poster might also give you pause.
Less fantasy than sci-fi, the new Monster Hunter movie is giving me major Stargate vibes.
When you think of Monster Hunter, you probably think of giant monsters and giant swords. The teaser for the…