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How To Find And Hunt Down Tracktail Lizards In Monster Hunter Wilds

These elusive little guys are easier to catch than you think

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A Tracktail Lizard walks across the sand.
Screenshot: Capcom / Kotaku

There is more to Monster Hunter Wilds than taking on gigantic animals with over-the-top weaponry. The Forbidden Lands is teeming with much smaller creatures categorized as Endemic life, and one of the first available side quests tasks you to find a Tracktail Lizard somewhere in the desert.


Tracktail Lizard locations

“Dareel’s Research Report” is the first in a line of side quests that involve capturing some smaller monsters. You’re not provided any details on the creature, aside from the fact that they live in the Windward Plains area. We’d normally advise focusing on the campaign before exploring, but it thankfully won’t take long.

A map of the Plains area, highlighting the Area 13: Oasis Pop-up Camp.
Screenshot: Capcom / Kotaku

You can find Tracktail Lizards around areas 11, 12, and 13. I’ve typically seen them scattered within the first two areas, although the first ones I ever saw were near Area 13: Oasis Pop-up camp. If you see what looks like a dark blue squirrel crawling along the sand or balancing on their tails, you’ve found what you’re looking for.


How to capture a Tracktail Lizard

Once you have a Tracktail Lizard in your sight, it’s time to catch them. All you need to do is equip your Capture Net from the Item Bar, get close enough for the rectangle reticle to turn orange, and then shoot the net with R2/RT. The only wrinkle is that they’re skittish and will run away if you get too close.

A hunter aims their Capture Net over a Tracktail Lizard.
Screenshot: Capcom / Kotaku

It is possible to rush toward them and shoot the net out if you’re quick enough. Otherwise, simply activate the Ghillie Mantle, and you should be able to approach with no problem. As soon as you’ve caught one, head back to the Plains Base Camp to speak with Dareel and finish this quest.


The rewards for completing this quest aren’t particularly great, but it is a prerequisite for similar follow-up quests. Each of these will have you search for Endemic Life in a new area, so you’ll unlock them the further you progress through the campaign.

Monster Hunter Wilds is available now on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and Windows PCs.