If you’re playing Monster Hunter: World outside of Japan, you’re missing out a quest for one of the game’s most…
Monster Hunter: World’s wild crossover events are now ten times more stylish with the arrival of a quest to unlock…
Monster Hunter: World’s latest event adds a golden dragon for players that players really should make the necessary…
Monster Hunter: World added a new elder dragon last night that can only be fought by working together with 16 other…
While Monster Hunter: World’s Spring Blossom Festival brings back old event quests, the game keeps adding new and…
Last night I streamed Monster Hunter: World on Kotaku’s Twitch channel and teamed up with a group of loyal readers…
Monster Hunter: World’s latest update brings back a series favorite monster: the massive, multi-toothed Deviljho.…
Maki Goto, a former member of J-pop group Morning Musume, is a Monster Hunter super fan. She even appeared in Monster…
German cosplay superstar Kamui, who we last saw with some of the best StarCraft work we’d ever seen, returns with…
Monster Hunter: World offers new limited-time quests every week. Some of these involve brawling tons of monsters,…
If you ever wanted to watch Street Fighter’s Ryu shoryuken a dinosaur or run around with a wibbly, wobbly snake hat, …
For my first 70 hours with Monster Hunter: World, I played solo. These days, I’m happy to play alongside other…
To the surprise of anyone who’s played Monster Hunter in the past decade, Monster Hunter: World has become extremely…
Kinetiquettes will soon be releasing a few Monster Hunter pieces, including this huge statue featuring Zinogre…
Monster Hunter: World’s crossover events bring over instantly recognizable characters to join in on the slicing and…
Monster Hunter: World is a showcase of the best creature design in video games. From fire-breathing wyverns to weird…
Monster Hunter: World is a smash hit. But the game is currently only playable on the PS4 and Xbox One. Wouldn’t it…
Why just look at the food in Monster Hunter when you can make it in real life? Just look at how the real deal…
Today on Highlight Reel we have dramatic turns, stylish monster hunter kills, and much more!
My Monster Hunter: World save file says I’ve played for about 70 hours. You’d think I’d have learned everything this…