After last week, this week seems like a flood of new games. Not too many big games, but the Monster Hunter: World expansion Iceborne is finally hitting PC this week. So if you are a Monster Hunter fan who plays on PC, get a winter coat and get ready.
I already did a Week In Games post about Iceborne when it first came out, so I had to find a new ice/snow related title for this post. I first had a title referencing “Ice To Meet You!” but it didn’t feel right. Later I tried “Ice, ice, baby...”, but that didn’t work for me either. Eventually, I settled on Monster Hunters On Ice, which is a reference to Reptar On Ice. (Because he is a monster..on ice...get it?)
Beyond Iceborne there aren’t a lot of big games, but some smaller games coming out mostly on PC and Switch. The full list is below:
Monday, Jan. 6
- Ultimate Racing 2D | Switch
- Blackmoor 2 | Switch
- Invisible Fist | Switch
- Wienne | PC
- Araha: Curse Of Yieun Island | PC
- Chameleon | PC
- Dumb Fight | PC
- Hero Mini Maker | PC
Tuesday, Jan. 7
- Cursed Caves | PC
- Chico | PC
- AVABEL Online | PC
Wednesday, Jan. 8
- IN-VERT | Xbox One
- Regions of Ruin | Xbox One
- Dragon Sinker: Descendants of Legend | Xbox One
- Animal Friends | Xbox One
- Refuge | PC
- Talshard | PC
Friday, Jan. 9
- AO Tennis | PC
- Monster Hunter: Iceborne | PC
- 140 | Switch
- Cooking Tycoons - 3 in 1 Bundle | Switch
- THOTH | Switch
- Pieces Of Me: Northbound | PC
- The White Door | PC, Mac
- Mythic Ocean | PC
- Nuclear Arms Race | PC
- Pinball Universe | PC
- Flirt Balls | PC, Mac
Saturday, Jan. 10
- Craftica | PC, Mac
- Aborigenus | Switch
- Technosphere | Switch
- Drunk-Fu: Wasted Masters | Switch
- Orbitblazers | PC
- Coffee Break | PC
- The Blind Prophet | PC
- Dusk Warlocks | PC
Sunday, Jan 11
- Angry Food | PC