Assassin’s Creed Odyssey has been out for more than a week now, and people are discovering the wonders of Ancient…
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is out in the world, and that means people are exploring ancient Greece to find all of the…
Fortnite has pets now, so I asked our intrepid ‘shop-savvy readers to put pets in all of the games. I wasn’t…
Fortnite broke all the rules by giving everyone cute and fun pets this week, so we need to even the score: I need…
Last week we got to see some new stuff from the upcoming Death Stranding, but it was confusing. So I asked you to…
We’ve got some new Death Stranding footage, and it is just as confusing as ever. Your task this week is to make…
The Mushroom Kingdom is in turmoil. The divine right of princesses has been challenged. Princess Peach must assert…
We learned something shocking this week: the aristocracy of the Mushroom Kingdom is weirder than we though. A crown…
Hope County has zombies and apocalyptic cults, but I wanted it to be weirder, and you definitely didn’t disappoint…
Despite an influx of zombies and a trip to Mars, Far Cry 5's Hope County hasn’t changed all that much since the game…
I asked you to bring me pictures of that dastardly devil Spider-Man, and now I know where he hides when he’s not…
We’re getting a brand new Spider-Man game soon, and I think that we need some new perspectives on the ole Web Head.
Last week we were living in the moments after the new D.Va short, and I asked you to show me where the magic happens…
We experienced a new Overwatch short this week where we saw some heroic D.Va action, and our ‘Shop Contest is in…
I’ve been missing Snake recently, so I asked you all to ‘shop up some information about what the Metal Gear protagoni…
There’s nothing like going home again, and seeing our friend Solid Snake in the codec screen with David Hayter’s…
Do you wonder where the cowboys go when they wander off the map? Well our devoted community ‘Shop Experts are here…
We’ve finally seen gameplay footage of Red Dead Redemption 2. Surprise, it’s got cowboys. Our ‘Shop Contest this…
Sylvanas destroyed Teldrassil last week in a controversial moment in World of Warcraft’s geopolitics, and I asked…
World of Warcraft is a game that is absolutely full to the brim with characters who are decent people and then turn v…