The ceaseless tide of terrible news in the economy continues to dominate the storyline for this week's originals. EA…
Flipping Obi-Wan from good to bad? Is this pro rasslin'? Apparently Free Radical's decided to turn eternal Force face
Every time I see the Goatie coin I imagine Montel Williams on my TV at 2 a.m. hawking a set of collector's edition…
We rounded up the year in Kotaku Kontent, did some podcast postapalooza, and unveiled our nominees for the Goaties…
The holiday-induced Kotakis Interruptus didn't slow the flow of original goodies. The big highlight: Our blowout…
This week the editor-mans went on the teevee and repeatedly stumbled over the 5-second pause. Filthy-mouth Kotakus…
Funde Razor brought in the dough, PlayStation Home went live and had the inevitable launch crashes, and Luke defused…
So Nintendo learned there are other powerful words that begin with "Ni" and by that I don't mean nickel, nor…
Ah, Thanksgiving week, when America does what it does best — chow down and then go to the mall to spend dough it…
With everything lurching forward to Black Friday, Kotaku turned its mission of public service toward assisting you…
This week we got snowed under with financial news, as the NPD numbers went public, and everyone who is anyone had a…
Well awright. First Luke decided to be cute with the Far Cry 2 review and lay down some massive Toto beats in his…
All in the valley of death rode 600 Electronic Arts employees this week, one highlowlight in our report of the past…
Hope everyone's had a good chance to fan themselves and hose off following Thursday's introduction to Grace Kim, the…
There is a big bastard of an elephant in the room this week, and there is probably no flip way I can put this. Let's…
So we have four guys in Japan and Fahey's at BlizzCon. I walk into the Kotaku Tower today to find two things I…
Busy week in Kotakopolis, which began with the run-up and expectations-setting for the Tokyo Game Show, and Ninty's…
The demise of Jack Thompson's legal career eclipsed just about everything else that happened this week, and with…
Interesting week as the silly season for new releases churns up momentum. The big headlines Nintendo's going before…
So it's been so long since I've done this (not really, but feels like it) that last night, honest to God,…