Sunday to Monday saw three separate references to Ray Parker Jr's quasi-orgasmic catchphrase in the refrain of the…
The past week was like E3 went seven days into overtime, as everyone emptied their reporters' notebooks from their…
E3 week delivered a deluge of stories, previews, impressions, hands-on, live blogs and well, just coverage, but that…
Manos arriba, who loves robots? We sure did this week. Other highlights included the return (of sorts) of Atari, and…
A damned newsy week deserves a huge roundup: Capcom chickened out over pigs, and Fallout 3's DLC is at last coming…
DJ Hero's turntable controller twittered out this week, later confirmed by Activision and compared (by your humble…
Man, how bad ass would it have been for Crecente to show up in Monte Carlo behind the wheel of a Monte Carlo? Capcom…
Let's recap a week slam-slap full of breaking news that got the gamer gums a-flappin'. Fallout Vegas? We was there.…
It was numbers week in Kotakopolis, which means things like NPD and E74 ("It's 71 better than E3!"). Also 2009, as…
Possession of illegal weapons might be a class 1 misdemeanor. Sending them out as swag, especially for a company…
Before the Internet, we didn't have April Fool's Day. When we played a joke, we'd tell a guy his shoe was untied and…
This is when the gig starts to scare me, because there were forty-leb'm-million billion things coming out of GDC…
Give yourselves a big hand and take a victory lap. Our determined grassroots campaign - that, or Paramount seeing…
Kinda presumptuous to welcome myself back, but, I don't see anyone else doing it. Anyway, it's nice to be missed. I…
Owen may be driving cross country this weekend, but that doesn't mean you will be left high and dry without a…
Significant announcements for the PSP and Nintendo led the charge this week. Buzz about a UMD-less PSP almost…
Ninty's two-dot-oh of the two-dot-screens handheld got a North Am release date this week, and there was much…
The boss-mans learned a important lesson about other people's feelings when he called Wii Fit a wee fad. Indignant…
In a week that saw our new previews format, we gave you the goods on Resident Evil 5 (preview) and Killzone 2…
Not the good kind either, the roid-infused home run record kind. I mean the old-school "broken record" which repeats…