This week we got snowed under with financial news, as the NPD numbers went public, and everyone who is anyone had a presentation at the BMO Capital Markets Conference on Thursday. Also, despite (or in defiance of) the craptacular economy the fall/winter glut of releases charges on, and Kotaku reviewed a ton of copies to help you make or not make those purchases, assuming you still have disposable income. Is this business recession proof? I don't know. This economy can still do far worse than kill you ... it can hurt you ... and it wishes to go on ... hurting you ... (cue galactic scream) Gears of War 2 Review: Bigger, Better and More... Poignant Call of Duty: World at War Review: The Modern Warfare Effect Mirror’s Edge Review: Leaps of Faith End in Splat Tom Clancy's EndWar Review: Vocal Annihilation Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Review: Aw, Nuts Composing The Soundtrack To Blizzard's World Is Take-Two Thinking of Subscription-Based GTA and BioShock? Nintendo Eyes User Generated Content, Says "Entertainment Is A Two-Way Street" San Francisco Lich King Launch Gets UglyMicrosoft Responds To October NPD Sales, Seems Pleased Nintendo Responds To October NPD Sales, Seems Pleased Sony Responds To October NPD Sales, Seems Pleased The Chase is on for February Pwning For The Cure With Global Agenda Frankenreview: Gears Of War 2 The Other East Coast Lich King Launch GTA DLC and Chinatown Wars May Be Delayed New York City Feels Lich King's Wrath It's Official, Come Party for Child's Play in Denver Look Ma, I'm A Death Knight! Rumor: Midway Chicago Hit With More Layoffs Pit Crew Panic – Girls in Miniskirts Fixing Giant Toilets Frankenreview: Resistance 2 Broken Fallout 3 Dojo: Fallout 3 Still Broken 360 Gets ANOTHER Australian Price Cut (Arcade Still #1 Seller) Persona 4 Makes It Personal Guitar Rock Tour Blows the iPhone Away Which Square Enix Games Have Been Selling This Year
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