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Kotaku Originals: Jack Offed

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The demise of Jack Thompson's legal career eclipsed just about everything else that happened this week, and with good reason. The guy just had it coming. I'm not sure there's any downfall more American than that of the self-appointed moral better. At least in the end, Thompson wasn't caught smoking rock and playing Mortal Kombat with a toothless crack whore, so he didn't go down a hypocrite. But he did go down. Sic semper dickclowns. The week in originals, highlights here, more on the jump. Jack Thompson Disbarred Thompson Responds To Disbarment EA Responds To Spore Forum Banning Concerns Ghostbusters' Future Not So Ethereal Let's Analyze The Bungie Keep It Clean Trailer Together! Activision Trademarks 'Dance Hero' Best Buy Getting Gears 2 Pre-order RC Tank Sony Price Dropping 40GB PS3 Model This Weekend In Loving Memory Of The Intro & Cutscene Saints Row 2 Multiplayer – The Perfect Girlfriend Game?Warhammer Battle March Review: Marching Backwards Global Agenda - The Georgia-Grown Action MMO Brutal Legend On Hunt for Publisher Wario Land: Shake It! Review: Shakin' To The Core Phoenix Wright and the Case of the Backwards Book Frankenreview: Lego Batman: The Video Game LittleSporePlanet? PEGI: We'll Talk With You, But First, Do You Support Us? Resistance 2 Brings MMO Sensibilities to the World of Shooter Coop Make Comics, Pop-Up Books, Anything With LittleBigPlanet TNA Impact! Review: Squandering Potential New Wave of Educational Games Coming to 360, PS3, Wii Civ IV: Colonization Review: Once More, With(out) Feeling De Blob Arrives With Friend Why I Will Never Sell My Gaming Swag (Again) Send Us Your Penny Pics, Win a PAX Schwag Bag