Over 20 years ago, Capcom created an anatomical reference guide that is apparently still in use today when bringing…
Ever since it officially launched last month, game publishers have been abandoning Nvidia’s GeForce Now streaming…
Street Fighter star Chun-Li was born on March 1, 1968. That would make her 52 years old this week, which is a damn…
Resident Evil 3 is getting a big, fancy remake in a few weeks. But this isn’t the first time RE3 has been remade.…
The excellent Mega Man Zero and ZX games have always been trapped in the shadows of their more popular Mega Man and M…
The latest Street Fighter V patch finally addresses one of the game’s most prevalent problems: shoddy online…
In the wake of the international success of Persona 5 and Dragon Quest XI, perhaps it’s time for publishers to take…
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 producer Ryota Niitsuma is leaving Capcom. He made the announcement on Twitter, adding that he will continue to work in the game industry. “I’m sure our paths will cross again!”
Mobile role-playing games love their crossovers, and Nintendo’s Dragalia Lost is no exception. It’s fiddled about…
For years, we’ve seen Guile’s hair when it’s up. The iconic character has even been used to sell hair gel in Japan.…
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne came out on PC last week, and while for many it was a hassle-free experience, some…
An unofficial fix has been developed for Street Fighter V’s terrible attempt at rollback netcode. The game has been plagued by a poor online experience since its launch in 2016, but this third-party workaround apparently works wonders for PC users. Take note, Capcom.
Fighting games have never been as big or monetarily supported as they were in 2019. Every major fighting game…
Last year, it was my belief that Capcom Cup was saved by the incredible performances of its finalists, a group of 32…
Street Fighter V is getting Seth as part of the Champion Edition coming February 14, Capcom revealed during last night’s Capcom Cup finals. The Street Fighter IV villain is a genetically engineered M. Bison clone who’s able to copy other characters’ move sets.
Shintaro Kojima has left Capcom. Kojima produced Monster Hunter: Generations and has worked on a number of Monster Hunter games including the franchise’s debut PlayStation 2 title.
This is Martin. He’s “a skilled engineer and mechanic” who can “create traps to slow down or stun enemies” in…
As reported yesterday, Resident Evil 3 is getting a remake. The original game came out in 1999. Since then, lots has…
Nemesis returns to terrorize Resident Evil fans all over again. During this morning’s PlayStation State of Play…
Resident Evil is the zombie horror game, but its shambling corpses are slow and easy to avoid. To reinvigorate the…