The closed beta test for Star Trek Online is currently underway, and here's a look at what you're missing if you…
This video discusses the backstory leading into Star Trek Online. In a nutshell, Romulans, Remans, Klingons and the…
Star Trek fans who buy the Blu-ray version of The Original Series' third season will find themselves in the…
The early press-access only hour on the PAX 2009 show floor was the perfect time to get behind the wheel of a…
Who's ready to sign up with the United Federation of Planets? Cryptic has launched the registration page for the…
Star Trek fans might want to consider becoming Champions Online fans as well, with Cryptic offering guaranteed Star…
Things have been awfully quiet on the Star Trek Online front lately, so developer Cryptic and Atari are startling…
Following the official announcement of Paramount's Star Trek D-A-C yesterday, Cryptic sent us a trio of exclusive…
In an attempt at realism (or as a way to bring up skintight-bodysuit-wearing Jeri Ryan) Star Trek Online has posted…
Cryptic has released four new screenshots for Star Trek Online, a couple of which actually show off some of the…
Cute Vulcan? Adorable Andorian? Foxy Ferengi? Apparently, one can create whatever wrinkly-nosed race one can come up…
Cryptic Studios has recently released a batch of new Star Trek Online screens. Here they are, you can look at them.
Cryptic continues to expound on the future history of Star Trek Online, updating their game time line with the year…
A eagle-eyed reader has spotted an ad on Craigslist for a PS3 Engine Programmer. Nothing particularly unusual in…
Cryptic Studios' latest installment of Ask Cryptic on the Star Trek Online website neatly puts to rest one of my…
Star Trek Online looks great and all, but is it customizable? Is it, is it? Developer Cryptic answers away: It's…
Not here, sadly. We don't have magazine covers to bargain with, you know. But Game Informer, the print kings of the…
Developer Cryptic has answers. In the first round of Star Trek Online developer Q&As, lead designer Al "Captain…
Clearly, when Star Trek Online was announced, it was going to be a tough sell to the really die-hard fans.
Leonard Nimoy took the stage at the Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas this weekend to iup the recently announced…