With the game's launch just around the corner, the Star Trek Online beta test ends today as many things have before…
Atari teams with Del Taco to deliver free trial-laden limited-edition Star Trek Online collector's cups, with a…
Cryptic and Atari have announced the subscription rates for Star Trek Online, finally giving players an idea of the…
Prepare to pick out your uniform, christen your starship, and boldly go where only closed beta participants have…
Cryptic held a contest to develop names for three ship classifications in its upcoming Star Trek Online MMO, and the…
Star Trek Online isn't all phaser shootouts and epic space battles. You'll spend plenty of time exploring strange…
Here's a trailer ramming home the news we told you of yesterday; that Leonard Nimoy, aka the original Spock, will…
Just like the recent Star Trek movie had two Spocks in it, so too will the upcoming Star Trek MMO, with Zachary…
In case you missed this weekend's Spike TV Video Game Awards—or had the television muted while Zachary Quinto was…
I half imagine Atari's board of directors has a sticker on its windshield reminding it to change CEOs every 5,000…
Continuing their Top 10 for Trekkies series, developer Cryptic Studios has put together a list of 10 locations Star…
Cryptic Studios sent us a list of 10 reasons while true Trekkies* will love their upcoming massively multiplayer…
GameStop has posted details on the Collector's Edition of Star Trek Online, featuring $30 worth of extra…
Seeing more Star Trek Online ship combat is always nice, but when you call a trailer "Belly of the Beast" there had…
The second starship tactics video for Cryptic's Star Trek Online discusses power management, starship repair, and…
We've spent more than enough time telling you about how ship combat works in Star Trek Online - now it's time to…
With the release date set in stone and the previews rolling in, there's only one thing left for Cryptic and Atari to…
You have until February 2nd to make sure your PC is tough enough to run Cryptic's Star Trek Online. What kind of…
Let me get this out of the way: I'm not a Trekkie. I was a loyal Star Wars fan until the prequels and thereafter…
February is a month for love, and there is no greater love than a fan's love of Star Trek, so it's appropriate that…