Not the device itself. The Natal peripheral is a small, slender add-on. But Microsoft has apparently told a group…
Sony has already showed its hand in the upcoming motion control battle, debuting playable PlayStation Move games at…
The PlayStation Move controller may have only been officially named last week, but PlayStation VP of Realistic…
You know those women's magazines like Glamour and Cosmopolitan that promise BIG SEX NEWS every single month? Well,…
Half-Life and Portal developer Valve won't be getting into the shitty mini-game business with the advent of…
Microsoft's controller-free add-on Project Natal may be perfect for virtual painting and hyperactive ball-swatting,…
Everything changed in 2001, the year Nintendo decided that the future of gaming didn't lay in faster processors and…
Join us live today on CBS Radio for our latest episode of Kotaku Talk Radio. It is time to talk Halo Reach, Xbox…
Join us live today on CBS Radio for our latest episode of Kotaku Talk Radio with the Xbox 360's director of product…
A job listing spotted by website CVG appears to hint that a "large franchise" is coming to Project Natal. This job…
In case you missed it - and let's face it, you probably did - over the weekend, Microsoft decided that the perfect…
Happy Valentine's Day, dear readers. We have a sweet 'Shop Contest candidate for you - dear old NECCO Conversation…
Last week's picture of a strangely sentient-looking Project Natal camera drove a flood of entries to our fourth…
McWhertor begged and pleaded and enlisted readers to get me to put this Johnny Five-looking Project Natal prototype…
The PR-approved product shot of Microsoft's Project Natal camera for the Xbox 360 looks sleek, sharp and maybe a…
Rumors that Halo: Reach might be Natal-enabled were close to flatlining of late, but the subject never got a…
EA Sports boss Peter Moore says he's keeping a close eye on 3D gaming, but while it's a new priority for Sony it's…
Nintendo executives were reportedly given the option to snatch up the technology that powers Microsoft's…
Robbie Bach, president of Microsoft's entertainment and devices division (which includes the Xbox 360), has told the…
Capcom's first sortie with Project Natal will be "a brand focus ... perhaps a brand we haven't seen in a while,"…