A Swedish retailer priced Microsoft's codenamed Project Natal body-control sensor system at $200. But, today,…
Last year featured Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Tony Hawk and Stephen Spielberg. This year there will be Cirque du…
Released last year, this is the official concept promotional image of Microsoft's upcoming motion control system…
At least three Swedish retailers are listing a price for upcoming Xbox 360 motion controller Project Natal, and…
Microsoft is holding the "world premier" of Project Natal the Sunday before E3 2010, with a special performance by…
In an interview with Saudi television, Microsoft Saudi Arabia marketing guy Syed Bilal Tariq has given a release…
The words "kinda like" are being used loosely. The words "skirt lifting" are not.
The Nintendo Wii, a hugely successful console, is experiencing a sales slowdown. Wii sales are down 21 percent — the…
So says THQ bossman Brian Farrell, who calms one of our fears about Sony and Microsoft's venture into the motion…
Why have been people yelling at professional athletes who fumble and fall and anger them when those athletes are on…
Looks like the Xbox 360's motion sensing add-on is already in the wild and, more importantly, in the hands of…
Remember James Gunn? The filmmaker who called Microsoft "the most dreadful, non-talent friendly company I've ever…
Look through the cute/creepy eyes of Project Natal and see how the Xbox 360 camera attachment will see you when…
But, said Sony's top marketing officer, they look down their nose at Nintendo's motion control, and that's why the…
You've heard all about Project Natal, but Microsoft's 3D motion controller solution would have fallen completely…
Steven Spielberg is a Hollywood legend. When not directing highly successful motion pictures, Steven Spielberg…
EA Sports doesn't sound enthusiastic about integrating Project Natal or PlayStation Move motion control into its FIFA…
The biggest week of video game news for 2010 is beginning to fill up.
Would you like to hear a developer speak freely about making a sequel to a game that was panned? Red Steel 2's Jason…
There has been concern in Japan that only gianormous American living rooms are suitable for Microsoft's upcoming…