Released last year, this is the official concept promotional image of Microsoft's upcoming motion control system Project Natal. It is black. Update: Microsoft comments, clarifies nothing.
"Project Natal" is the code name for Microsoft's controller-free motion controls that, as the promotional clip states, makes the players the controller.
But even when the device was on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon last year, it was covered so that the audience could not see it.
Reporter Timo Michael from German cable station RTL had an opportunity to check out Project Natal; however, instead of a black Natal device, a white-colored device was shown in his report. The device seems to be similar to the black Project Natal shown in concept photos.
Does this mean that the final hardware is white? Or is it white and black to match the existing hardware? Is it a prototype? A development kit? Kotaku is following up with Microsoft to clarify.
Update, 12:45pm: A spokseperson for Microsoft told Kotaku: " "The 'Project Natal' sensor used for recent consumer and media demonstrations is a prototype only and does not necessarily reflect the final product. We don't have anything to announce at this time, but stay tuned for more details."
Recently, a Swedish retailer priced Project Natal as costing the equivalent of around US$200.
Project Natal [RTL via VideoGamesZone Thanks David!]