Late 2010 will improve our ability to play video games without a controller in our hands. But even if you skip…
The Xbox 360 launched in November 2005. The original Xbox launched in November 2001. It is now 2010. About time for…
If Wii MotionPlus or Microsoft's Project Natal are the next generations of video game motion control, what, you may…
Microsoft says that it's planning on bringing "entirely new original experiences to life" with the addition of Projec…
As the first full day of the Consumer Electronics Show wore on, stories exploring the digital guts of Microsoft's…
Project Natal knows when you're holding your hand behind your back, according to a new report. But it also might…
Microsoft has dropped a chip from its upcoming Natal motion control hardware, reports website Games Industry. The…
You've got questions about Project Natal, we've got questions about Project Natal. And, for once, Microsoft have…
It's always been strongly hinted at, but today at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Microsoft's Robbie…
In a new internally-produced interview, Microsoft division president Robbie Bach described his company's 2010…
A Destructoid reader reckons this was shot at a "Christmas Party", though that's where the information dries up. On…
In the dark, distant future, when people write about the history of video games and get to the part labelled…
2009 was a pretty good year for the Xbox 360, but based on Microsoft's showing at E3, it felt more like a warm up…
Following up on reports that EA chief John Riccitiello let slip the name of Sony's upcoming PlayStation 3 motion…
French publisher Ubisoft, no stranger to waggle, is getting behind Microsoft's Project Natal in a major way, with…
One-time Gizmodo guest-blogger Bill Gates was on NBC's Meet The Press on Sunday to discuss the good works of his and…
The Xbox 360's hands-free motion controller, due to hit sometime next year, could be more than just a new way to gyra…
Microsoft's U.K. boss dismissed a report last week that Natal will be ready to go in November 2010, saying claims of…
Four ideas popped out to me while attending a series of presentations from top executives in the gaming industry…
Project Natal continues to rack up awards for innovation faster than the Nintendo Wii circa early 2007, making its…