According to sources speaking with British trade site MCV, Microsoft's Project Natal will be released worldwide in…
Microsoft owned developer Rare won't be returning to the world of Kameo any time soon, thanks to the studio's shift…
Banjo Kazooie and Viva Pinata developer Rare has made some important contributions to the first person shooter…
Lionhead Studios' recently announced Fable III, first detailed at Gamescom this summer, will make use of Microsoft's …
Epic Games, makers of things Unreal and Gears of War, are fully on board with this Project Natal thing that…
At an Microsoft event today in New York City, exec Robbie Bach talked about how the pricing for the upcoming motion…
Sure, Peter Molyneux's studio is developing Milo, the proof-of-concept Microsoft used to unveil Project Natal at E3.…
Add Konami to the list of developers getting on board with Microsoft's Project Natal and Sony's unnamed(?) motion…
While Project Natal, and its ability to allow Xbox 360 gamers to play video games completely free of a controller,…
After a week's hiatus, Kotaku Approval Ratings has returned to measure your opinions on certain games, concepts and…
The father of Metal Gear told Kotaku that he'd like to make games for Natal that appeal to people who like his own…
Microsoft has released seven quick-take videos of top-flight Japanese developers discussing Project Natal and the…
Project Natal, unveiled at E3 earlier this year in Los Angeles, got its first outing in Japan at the Tokyo Game Show…
As promised, Microsoft are about to begin a panel discussion on Project Natal with several noted developers,…
Microsoft just sent out a self-congratulatory press release about Project Natal, highlighting the publishers and…
When last we heard about Natal, and the possibility of air guitaring Guitar Hero, a Neversoft producer said they…
Electronic Arts "indefinitely" delayed the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of its foray into pro tennis, citing…
For those wondering if Microsoft's Project Natal motion control automatically means they're working on Natal-enabled…
Chances are you've heard me mention cyberpunk before, maybe as a tangent to a rant about steampunk — but this…
The future of gaming, as envisioned by the September movie "Gamer" does not involve the happy playing of the Wii.…