In part one of our Bonus Round discussion, Keighley, Pachter, Satterfield and I touch on the Xbox 360's Project…
Ever wanted to see Microsoft's John Schappert dance? Ask him what's in the Xbox 360's "Project Natal" hardware,…
The show will air the first trailer of whatever Bethesda has up its sleeve, giving fans ample reason to tune in. Of…
Expect less Modern Warfare 2 than Heavy Rain though, as the next full video reveal of Infinity Ward's follow up to Ca…
The recent announcement of a PlayStation 3 release of Fallout 3 content that was previously announced as exclusive…
E3's just around the corner and that means it's time for a little Bonus Round round table.
When publishers are asked if their upcoming game supports downloadable content, they typically hem and haw, noting…
The show is moving from "Friday nights at 1 AM"—which was technically early Saturday morning at 1 AM—to "Thursday…
The Spike TV video game show formerly known as Game Head is heading to the PlayStation Network, as host Geoff…
The GameTrailers folks were kind enough to invite us on to the Geoff Keighley-hosted Bonus Round not too long ago,…
Millions of people will be lining up around midnight on Wednesday evening for the launch of World of Warcraft's…
Deep in the bowels of GameTrailers TV's latest episode is a first glimpse, albeit a brief one, of the playable…
We already knew that the zombies would be playable in certain modes of Valve's upcoming thrill-shooter Left 4…
Click to view I honestly cannot think of a better channel to host a special countdown to the launch of EA's Madden…
Former Kotaku guest editor turned television host Geoff Keighley dropped us a line earlier to let us know that a…