The Final Fantasy VII Remake is coming in April. I could only watch the first 30 seconds of the new trailer released…
In the original Final Fantasy VII, Cloud Strife dons a dress as part of a rescue mission. Way back in 2015, Square…
Final Fantasy VII Remake is delayed from March 3 to April 10 while the upcoming Avengers game is bumped from May to…
Apparently the Final Fantasy VII Remake is going to release a demo soon, because some very credible leaks of a demo…
In 2005’s Kingdom Hearts II, Ayumi Ito first voiced Tifa Lockhart and since then has continued to be the character’s…
Clocking in at seven minutes long, this Final Fantasy VII Remake ad is the longest commercial to ever air on…
This is the box art, released this morning, for the upcoming Final Fantasy VII Remake, which is out March 3, 2020.…
In what should surprise absolutely no one, Final Fantasy VII Remake is drawing long lines at the Tokyo Game Show. I…
I’ve been coming to the Tokyo Game Show since 2004, but this is the first year I remember seeing bikes of any sort…
Blink and you’ll miss some of the brand new additions to Final Fantasy VII for the remake, as showcased in this new…
After an exciting showing at this year’s E3, hype around the Final Fantasy VII remake could not be higher. Its mix…
Despite the high possibility of my dying of brain-overload-related shock during my first experience with Final…
For the longest time, I’ve been telling people how special Link’s Awakening is. I had to explain that even though it…
I bought the original PlayStation just so I could play Final Fantasy VII. Until then, all I’d had was a SNES and a…
This past Wednesday, like every Wednesday, summaries of the leaked Weekly Famitsu appeared online in Japanese. The…
Join Tim Rogers as he checks out Square Enix’s Final Fantasy VII Remake exhibit at E3. There are giant posters of…
“Remaking Final Fantasy VII has allowed us to dive much deeper into the world and its characters than ever before,”…
This afternoon at E3 in Los Angeles, I watched an extended demo of the Final Fantasy VII remake and got my hands on…
To mark Final Fantasy VII Remake’s release date, Square Enix is releasing limited edition Cloud and Sephiroth…
The first details on how Final Fantasy VII Remake will actually, you know, play, plus the first look at Avengers,…