Why just shoot a gun when you can shatter the laws of time and space as well?
Halo Infinite, a new Outer Worlds, Battlefield 2042, and lots of new Game Pass games
Arkane Austin's next game is all about blasting vampires with your friends
Release date and a teaser trailer means the cat is out of the bag
Besides all of those E3 2021 weekend streams, I mean
In a blog post made earlier today, Bethesda—home of everything from Elder Scrolls to Wolfenstein—announced plans to…
Terminator: Resistance is another Terminator game, and those have been mostly awful. But I was surprised to find…
New TMNT Game Announced, Rust Servers Wiped Out By Fire, Microsoft Officially Buys Bethesda And More
This week on Morning Checkpoint we find out what secrets still lurk in Bloodborne, learn how much money Roblox is…
During today’s conversation about Microsoft’s acquisition of ZeniMax Media, the panel announced that a grip of…
Microsoft’s $7.5 billion acquisition of Bethesda Software parent company, Zenimax Media, is complete, the company…
Microsoft’s $7.5 billion purchase of Zenimax Media, parent company of Fallout, The Elder Scrolls, and Doom maker…
Pending the closure of a $7.5 billion cash sale, Microsoft has purchased Zenimax Media, the parent company of…
Nothing says fall to me like a good fair. Something about fried foods and prized hogs just makes me want to roll in…
Last night’s Bethesda press conference was full of cool announcements like Doom Eternal details and Arkane’s rad…
At E3 Sunday, Shinji Mikami announced GhostWire: Tokyo, the next game by Evil Within series developers Tango…
And then ended up in a legal battle that would drag on for decades
Skyrim offers one of the most beautiful worlds in video games. The game’s Switch version adds some minor changes and…
Last night, I played The Evil Within 2 on Kotaku’s Twitch channel. I expected a linear series of monsters and scares…
Switch owners are going to catch hell on November 10, when Doom makes its first appearance on a Nintendo console in ages. While it won’t run as fast as its console cousins, word is it’s just as smooth.