Game Pass is a fantastic service, offering you a ton of games across console and PC for a shockingly small amount of money. But no matter how much you love Game Pass, listen to Xbox executive Aaron Greenberg who asks you don’t name your next child “Game Pass.” Please.
Gamescom 2021 wrapped up yesterday. During the three-day event, multiple live streams and videos were released featuring developers and publishers talking about upcoming games and partnerships. You know, video game convention shit.
During one of these streams, Bethesda’s Pete Hines and Xbox’s Aaron Greenberg chatted about some past stories, including one Hines shared about a woman going into labor during the Skyrim reveal at Quakecon 2011. She stayed to watch the full reveal then left to have her baby. One of the folks interviewing Hines joked that the couple might have named their kid Dovahkiin after the main character from Skyrim. This didn’t happen, but Hines did point out that someone did just that and Bethesda gave them free Bethesda games for life.
That’s when (at the 20:45 mark) Xbox’s Greenberg responded with a plea to anyone watching who might be expecting soon.
“I also ask that no one name their baby Game Pass,” said Greenberg.
Everyone laughed and moved on to a story about Greenberg officiating a Gears of War wedding. (Video game conventions and their live streams are weird this year.) But now, I have to imagine that at least one person out there is thinking to themselves “Oh...would that work? Could I get Xbox Game Pass for free, for the rest of my life, if I named my kid Game Pass..?”
Based on Greenberg’s response here, I don’t think it would work. However, if it did work I’d guess it would only do so for the very first person to try it. So, there’s your challenge. But is free Game Pass for life really worth your child having to live that terrible name? I’ll leave that for you to decide.
(h/t: Gamespot)