This weekend is about watching press conferences from the likes of Ubisoft, Microsoft, Bethesda Softworks, and other soft companies. Between the cracks we game like the mighty ninja, swift and silent-ish.
Since I’ll be spending most of my weekend working, I’m exploring the familiar ground of Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade. I’m skipping a lot of cutscenes and dialogue since I’ve already played through the game, but I’m really enjoying combat and exploration at 60 frames-per-second. The lack of texture pop-in in the PS5 release means I’m never pulled out of the experience by technical issues as I was in the original. And of course, there’s the whole extra episode.

Yuffie’s episode is a lot of fun, which I shall write about later. For now, it’s ninja time, all the time.
How about you people? What are you playing this E3 2021 weekend?