Pro-gamer Fuudo is a world-class Street Fighter player. Yuka Kuramochi is a very popular pin-up model. The couple…
Clocking in at seven minutes long, this Final Fantasy VII Remake ad is the longest commercial to ever air on…
Ichikawa Ebizo XI will star in and supervise the official kabuki adaptation of Star Wars. The famed actor will play…
If you are in the market for Monster Hunter sculpture and have lots of money to spend, have I got two items for you!
The Nintendo Switch is doing quite well. According to the company’s most recent financials, sales jumped 50 percent…
A life-sized Godzilla head and upper body will be unveiled at the Nijigen no More amusement park on Awaji Island,…
Each year, the Japanese government honors people for their important cultural contributions. Included in this year’s …
The Gion is one of the most picturesque parts of Kyoto. Earlier this year, Kotaku reported that tourists had been…
When Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore is released in Japan, the game will be based on the modified Western release. S…
Out of all the characters and monsters in Dragon Quest, there is no better one for a rug than Liquid Metal Slime.
Twitter user Hajimerumeru’s mom has been really enjoying Breath of the Wild. She’s totally into the game—to the…
Melochin has been uploading his dances to YouTube for years. Recently, he noticed that the ending sequence for this…
Hayao Miyazaki turned down Hollywood but OKed an official kabuki adaptation of Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind.…
The AR-7778 is a calculator that makes musical notes when the buttons are pressed. Twitter user Atarime uses this…
When Shigesato Itoi started work on Mother 2 (Earthbound), development hit a wall. Things were at a standstill, and…
While Halloween in Shibuya might get lots of attention because of the massive crowds (and chaos), Kyoto has an…
A 27-year-old university student has been arrested in Fukui, Japan, after selling phony Yu-Gi-Oh cards at a flea…
At this year’s Monaco Manga Anime Game International Conference Kyoto 2018, talks are slated to be given by Tetsuya Mizuguchi, Yu Suzuki, and artist William Simpson. There will also be a cosplay performance. For more, check out the official site.
A 35-year-old resident of Okayama, Japan is in police custody after making death threats to Hideaki Anno’s Studio…
Japan is hosting the Rugby World Cup. Fans from all over the world are attending, and a percentage of them have been…