The Sonic the Hedgehog movie was originally scheduled to open on March 27 in Japan. However, due to the coronavirus, the movie’s Japanese release is being pushed back. The new release date is to be announced. In case you missed it, check out Kotaku’s review of the movie right here. 

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Sega has slipped a new Sonic the Hedgehog hoverboard racer into its latest Olympic Games game. It’s one of three “Dream” events in Novermber’s Switch exclusive Mario & Sonic at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, along with third-person shooting and something called “Dream Karate”. 

Video game heroes Sonic and Tails meet the cartoon heroes of Lakewood Plaza Turbo in a very special episode of OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes. The episode, aptly titled “Let’s Meet Sonic,” airs Sunday, August 4 at 4:45 pm Eastern on Cartoon Network.  
