Our monthly accounting of free games for PlayStation Plus subscribers is going to be a lot shorter from now on, as…
If you never played 2016's Hitman on its own or via the levels’ inclusion in Hitman 2, this month’s PS Plus lineup…
I fell in love with Steep after getting obsessed with the winter Olympics, so I’m excited to see it on January’s…
There are some interesting indie games in this month’s PlayStation Plus lineup, including Soma, Iconoclasts for Vita…
I’ve only just started getting into the Yakuza series, and November’s PlayStation Plus games will help me out with Ya…
October’s PlayStation Plus lineup is a bit of a range. Friday the 13th is good for some co-op scares, and there’s…
Just in time for Forsaken, PlayStation Plus members can get Destiny 2 as part of September’s offerings. As an added…
I’ve been meaning to play Mafia III since it came out, and now that it’s one of August’s PlayStation Plus games, I…
I’ve never actually played a David Cage game; I end up watching them on YouTube since they’re already so cinematic.…
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 is dropping tonight as a bonus game for PS Plus, Sony announced tonight at their E3 press conference. Who’s gonna say no to a surprise free game?
I’ve always lacked the patience for XCOM games. Maybe June’s PS Plus lineup will encourage me to give XCOM 2 a go,…
Sony’s profit increased 18 percent during the 2017 financial year. According to Sony, this was due to increased PS4 game sales and PlayStation Plus subscribers as well as the foreign exchange rate. Console sales dipped slightly with Sony selling 19 million PS4s worldwide, which was a million less than the previous… Read more
If you need some David Cage before Detroit comes out in May, next month’s PlayStation Plus lineup has you with Beyond…
It’s hard to compete with last month’s PlayStation Plus offerings which somehow included both Bloodborne and Ratchet…
Last week, Sony announced that the Vita, along with PS3, will stop getting monthly games through the PlayStation…
From Software’s Souls games and Bloodborne have online co-operation, but some areas become more abandoned as time…
If you don’t own Bloodborne, you’re in luck with March’s PlayStation Plus offerings. There are also going to be some…
February’s PlayStation Plus lineup has you covered if you missed Rime or, like me, heard the jokes about Knack but…
There are some good games in January’s PlayStation Plus lineup. In addition to some solid PS4 games with Deus Ex:…
There’s a range of games in December’s PlayStation Plus lineup, from the bloody action of Darksiders II to visual…