Yesterday, Rocket League developer Psyonix announced that when the game goes free-to-play later this year you’ll no…
Whether you want to fight with fists or painfully realistic guns, September’s PlayStation Plus games have you…
Apparently, if you make a super-fun, incredibly approachable game and release it for free on a popular game…
According to Sony’s first-quarter financial results for 2020, PlayStation Plus currently has nearly 45 million active users around the world, a gain of nearly 3.4 million over the previous quarter. That number should jump significantly now that Fall Guys is a free PlayStation Plus game.
You can scratch both your multiplayer and single-player itch with August’s PlayStation Plus games. As always, these…
Today’s PlayStation blog says PS Plus has been around for 10 years, which sure is a lot of years! July’s games are…
June’s second PlayStation Plus game is Star Wars Battlefront II, Sony announced today. June’s other game, Call of Duty: WWII, was announced earlier this week.
If you’ve had a hankering to play the Call of Duty from three years ago, PlayStation Plus has you covered next…
I’ve been hankering to play some Cities: Skylines lately, so May’s PlayStation Plus games feel like eerie perfect…
Ducking in under the wire, April’s PlayStation Plus games are here. As always, these games are only “free” if you…
The PlayStation Plus offerings for March feature one of the greatest games ever made... and the PS4 version of Shadow…
February’s PlayStation Plus games are a good bunch, with Bioshock: The Collection containing all three Bioshock…
If you haven’t played Titanfall 2 yet, I only played it recently, but that means I can now be appalled at you for…
If you haven’t played Nioh yet, this month’s PlayStation Plus lineup has you covered. As always, these games are…
I’ve always enjoyed watching other people play the Batman games, though I’ve never played one myself. Perhaps…
August’s PlayStation Plus games are pretty different. As always, they’re only “free” if you have an active…
July’s PlayStation Plus games are here, and if you like robots or cars you’ll be pleased. As always, these games are…
This month’s PlayStation Plus games feel like an odd combination, but they’re pretty good picks. As always, these…
May’s PlayStation Plus games are here, and even though it still feels weird that there’s only two of them, they’re…
PlayStation Plus continues with its new offering of only two games, both for PlayStation 4. As always, these games…