If you didn’t know SM Entertainment housed a rock band called TRAX, you’re forgiven — it sometimes feels like…
If you didn’t know SM Entertainment housed a rock band called TRAX, you’re forgiven — it sometimes feels like…
Ready to feel melancholy? You’ve come to the right place. It’s time to listen to the ultimate break-up song.
While contemporary T-ara is little more than a footnote in the vast, vast history of Korean pop music, they used to…
All of the five men that comprise Big Bang have gone on to enjoy solo careers of various levels of success. While…
About one hour into my Assassin’s Creed: Origins playthrough, I came upon my first treasure chest in an…
Lee Seung Gi may be one of the most prolific Korean celebrities of our generation. He started off as a singer but…
I’m sure some of you were wondering: when the heck is Twice going to appear on this column? Well, the time has come,…
If you’ve watched any sort of Korean television show in the past ten years, chances are you’re familiar with this…
Here’s the second of three K-Pop songs that pulled me into the fandom, and it’s the first time we’re repeating…
Every K-Pop fan has that one song that sucked them in. I have three. For the next three columns, I’ll be sharing…
One of my favorite idols from back in the day has just seemingly gone the way of the dodo, so pardon me for…
Hey, did you watch Tim Rogers’ latest video in his series on Final Fantasy VII translations? He briefly mentions a…
KARD is one of the rare K-Pop groups that features both men and women (the industry, borrowing from educational…
I have a soft spot for any song that riffs from Pachelbel’s Canon, so I do like this song from the early days of…
Did you know it was practically summer in New York today? It’s not just us; cities up and down the Eastern seaboard h…
The story of Ulala Session is a tragic one. It begins as many other quasi-indie K-Pop acts do: a meteoric rise via a…
Spring is in the air! Or, at least, it doesn’t seem as cold as it used to be, and I’ll take all the hopeful signs I…
As someone who — by the sheer definition of his profession — has to stay plugged in to the goings-on of the world,…
Sorry, Rihanna. Different Umbrella. (But yours is good, too!)