Ready to feel melancholy? You’ve come to the right place. It’s time to listen to the ultimate break-up song.
Standing Egg is a bit of a curiosity in the Korean indie-pop community. All of the group members remain anonymous; if you look them up on Wikipedia, the musicians are simply credited as Eggs 1, 2, and 3. (They do have a semi-regular roster of artists for live performances.)
That quirk aside, the group produces consistently high-quality music, and is one of the best-known indie acts in Korea by way of their frequent appearances on K-drama soundtracks. If you liked the above song, check out Us On A Summer Night or Starry Night.
P.S.: I had a bit of a hard time translating this song’s title from Korean. Others translated this as Your Farewell, Not Yet For Me or simply Your Goodbye, neither of which felt in the spirit of the song. Using the word “yet” would be more by the book, but my version captures the conversational tone and flows smoother, I think. (Translating is hard!)