My editor-in-chief cheered “LEGO Stars Wars III!” at this month’s Xbox Live Games with Gold lineup, and his…
I think we all took the Xbox 360 for granted. Other all-time greats like the SNES and PS2 seem to be remembered more…
There’s a range of genres in June’s Xbox Live Games with Gold, from racing to stealth to a MOBA. As ever, these…
Call of Duty: Black Ops III mixes the series’ familiar first-person shooting with a wild cyberpunk storyline. The…
I’m a big fan of action games, and the cream of the crop is Devil May Cry. The series has always had the right mix…
April’s Xbox Live Games with Gold include The Witness and Dead Space 2. As always, these games are only “free” if you have an active Xbox Live Games with Gold subscription.
Superhot is a strange game that’s both hectic and tactical. If you missed it the first time around, it’s one of the…
Dead Space brims with apprehension and panic—its tight spaceship corridors provide little place to run as monsters…
We recently finished playing Deadly Premonition on Kotaku’s Twitch channel. In Deadly Premonition, FBI detective…
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is an awkward game that feels a little bit like world full of Disney World…
I gazed into the future, saw L.A. Noire’s Switch release and other remasters coming and did an entire playthrough of…
Tales from the Borderlands is another one of those games I own on multiple platforms but still haven’t gotten around…
Last night, I finished a playthrough of Binary Domain on Kotaku’s Twitch channel. The 2012 sci-fi shooter is rough…
I’ve been playing through Deadly Premonition and Binary Domain on Kotaku’s Twitch channel. One is an offbeat crime…
Xbox Live’s Indie Games channel officially shuts down tomorrow. If you’re interested in cool games off the beaten path, dive in and check it out before it’s too late.
If you haven’t played Gone Home yet, or at least haven’t played it on your couch, you can have the teenage feels in…
I’ve been playing through L.A. Noire for the last month and a half on Kotaku’s Twitch channel. This weekend we…
Video games aren’t what kept José Muñoz in his parents’ basement for much of the past seven years, slipping into…
If you like moody teenagers having mysterious adventures, you’ll be pretty excited by Oxenfree’s inclusion in Games…
Last month, we started streaming L.A. Noire on Kotaku’s Twitch channel. While the start of the game has some problems