Not being a font expert, but having a memory that stretches back to the 80s, I saw something on this very site today…
More than two months after the movie that everyone's now forgotten about, Star Trek D-A-C will arrive on the…
What better way to market the latest version of EA's life simulation series than to tap into one of the biggest…
There's much that Star Trek tells us about the future of collared shirts, the U.N. and torpedoes, but we've been…
With theaters across the country delivering a brand new Star Trek experience to fans tonight, we take a look at…
X-Men Origins: Wolverine got its own movie-based game. This weekend's Star Trek movie will not, unless you count the…
And that's probably for the best. Unless we're dogfighting in space—whether that be in real-time or in some…
While PlayStation Home may not have the power to immerse on par with Star Trek's holodeck technology, at least your P…
Elder Scroll Fans don't worry, Bethesda hasn't forgotten about you.
We've fired up the old PlayStation Home account to spend a few minutes with the cast and crew from the upcoming Star…
Red shirts and spacey mini-skirts are coming to PlayStation Home, as the upcoming Star Trek, helmed by J.J. Abrams,…
Damn you April Fool's Day, I actually thought this was a joke at first. But now, MTV and Paramount are really…
Top-down, space combat arcade title Star Trek: DAC is coming to Xbox LIVE this May to correspond with JJ Abram's…
We can tell you what Paramount and Bad Robot's new downloadable Star Trek game for Xbox Live and PlayStation Network…
EA Mobile plans to announce a slew of new games for the iPhone at their summit this morning; among them Tiger Woods, …
Star Trek D·A·C will be coming to a video game platform near you this May, timed with the release of the JJ Abrams'…
Clearly, when Star Trek Online was announced, it was going to be a tough sell to the really die-hard fans.
Click to view You know, even for a casual fan, this Star Trek Online trailer pushes all of the right buttons.…
There's about 15 hours left on a clock at Cryptic Studios' homepage, but an advertisement in the Game Career…