Wrapping up a panel on Star Trek: The Captains, William Shatner's documentary about the leading men of the Star…
Space combat sims, much like their terrestrial flight sim counter-parts, aren't quite as popular as they used to be.
So, yes, I saw the Phaser. The PlayStation Move attachment showed off to oohs and aahs at Sony's E3 press conference…
A collaboration with J.J. Abrams' Bad Robot, the upcoming PS3 Star Trek game will have PS Move support. Know what…
To mark an upcoming Move enabled Star Trek game created in collaboration with J.J. Abrams' Bad Robot, Sony will be…
Just as J.J. Abrams brought us a fresh new look at the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise in the 2009 theatrical revamp,…
Speaking Klingon means never having to say you're sorry. And there are many other benefits to learning this most…
Captain Kirk rescuing the Queen of Space from the Klingons? It's not the plot to a Star Trek movie. Nor a Star Trek…
A Minecraft player with great ambition and loads of spare time is building a 1:1 replica model of Star Trek: The…
Researchers from the Australian National University have built a working tractor beam of sorts, ensuring that those…
LeVar Burton, aka Star Trek: The Next Generation's Geordi La Forge, is grumpy without his space visor. As seen at…
Death in Star Trek Online seems to be a disappointing experience for its fans, lacking narrative oomph and…
Following up on his memorable keynote speech at PAX 2007, actor, writer, and starship sidekick turned planar…
Star Trek Online launched this week, which was a good enough reason to investigate what Star Trek means to games and…
There have been some good Star Trek games over the years, yes. But you know what? There hasn't been a really great…
Star Trek has always held a certain mystique for me.
I may be tempted to one day buy the iPad as a crossover e-reader, but there's nothing magical about the device for…
Before making Fallout 3, Todd Howard and Bethesda Softworks pitched a sprawling single-player RPG set in the Star…
We've spent more than enough time telling you about how ship combat works in Star Trek Online - now it's time to…
MCV reports that Gem and Paramount Pictures are putting together two Xbox 360 Elite bundles to trumpet the DVD…