The bridge of the Starship Enterprise D is hallowed ground, man. It is one of the most iconic spaces in all of TV…
Last week, during Gamescom, the folks behind the new Star Trek game put out a good-looking trailer and some nifty…

Fresh from Gamescom in Germany we have a new trailer and screens from the upcoming Star Trek game, showing off how…

It's been done with Star Wars so, as is required by the laws of fandom, it must be done with Star Trek as well.

One of the biggest problems I've had with Star Trek over the years is that, recent movie aside, it's so dorky. So…
I was six years old when Star Trek: The Next Generation premiered. For the next seven years, I watched it every…
This time last year, Star Trek, the upcoming game from Digital Extremes, had licensed the appearances of Chris Pine…

In an interesting choice for the upcoming co-op Kirk/Spock Star Trek game, the goofy Gorn will take the role of the…
It seems like Nolan North is in everything. If there is a video game, and that video game has a voice cast, he is…

Sadly, this is probably just a camera trick involving smoke and LED lights.

Over the past few weeks, I've been playing the fan-made visual novel, Katawa Shoujo. Like the name of the genre…

The number one rule in Star Trek fiction states that the Federation can't mess with the development of other…
As writer John Hodgman once said, President Obama is America's first modern nerd President. He's a huge Trekkie and…
That shiny new Star Trek game based off of J.J. Abrams' reboot of the sci-fi classic will be finally going into…
Today, Gameforge, the German-based publisher of browser-based video games, laid off 100 workers in a restructuring…
I picked up this handy-dandy Star Trek Infinite Space guide while meeting with the Gameforge folks here in New York…

Star Trek: Infinite Space is no Star Trek: Armada, but it is a little reminiscent of the 2000 real-time strategy…
Star Command is like Game Dev Story. Only instead of running a games studio, you're running a starship, its crew,…
Late last week it was revealed that Cryptic Studios' massively multiplayer Star Trek Online would be going…