A new Star Trek game hit the shelves this week, and only a few days remain until the premier of the 12th movie. As…
"I'm really hurting here," exclaimed the dashing and courageous Captain James T. Kirk, bruised and bloody on the…
Fernando Acosta, formerly of Colombia but now residing in Canada, worked on the Star Trek video game that was…
With its own custom-made texture pack, this 1:6 Minecraft replica of the USS Enterprise-D from Star Trek: The Next…
The next installment in J.J. Abrams’ re-imagining of Star Trek is out in a couple of weeks, promising all kinds of…
R-R-Romulans have r-r-ridges. Perfect World Entertainment's is gearing up to launch the most ambitious Star Trek…
The new Star Trek game changes the evil Gorn from rubbery and goofy to angry and snarly. Oh, and they're naked.
Discover the secret origins of Khan, one of Star Trek's coolest villains, via our friends at io9. Read more
If you're like me, you've wanted to actually see what the upcoming Star Trek tie-in plays and looks like. You have…
A week after it happened, you can now watch the DICE Summit's kick-off talk between Star Trek/Star Wars' JJ Abrams…
Hasbro transforms and rolls out to the beat of its own drummer. The giant company held court at its own preview…
Wanting to engage in the most literal type of role-playing there is, a woman has posted an ad on Craigslist seeking…
The Star Trek video game is out on April 23, 2013. Find out about pre-order perks and more info on the official site.
Director J. J. Abrams was on Conan tonight, and was dying to show off footage from the new Star Trek sequel. You…
In the latest episode of Chris Hardwick's Nerdist podcast, Michael "Worf" Dorn discusses his role in the big screen…
Star Trek turns 46 tomorrow and the nerds at Google aren't letting this anniversary go unnoticed. If you head over…
Ryan Church is about as close to the top of the concept art world as you can get. He's worked on Star Wars movies.…
Oscar nominated actor Michael Clarke Duncan passed away earlier today. The 54 year-old died from complications from…
Long have I dreamed of sitting in the captain's chair of a Federation Starship, a talented (and likely very…
The bridge of the Starship Enterprise D is hallowed ground, man. It is one of the most iconic spaces in all of TV…