It's everyone's favorite Star Trek space station in Kerbal Space Program. The "KS9" was built by Redditor RufusCallahan, notably without the help of any mods, and is best looked at while listening to the Deep Space Nine theme. Check out all the HD shots in the imgur album below. Read more
Coming soon to a web browser near you, Star Trek: Alien Domain is a multiplayer strategy game that gives fans of the…
Just because Star Trek: Voyager was pretty horrible doesn't mean we don't miss the folks who starred in it. Five…
Funko seemingly announces a new batch of toys every day. This time it's the blind-boxed Science Fiction Mystery…
Nintendo has announced that any purchase of Mario Kart 8 will net you a free game if you register by July 31. Free…
Patrick Stewart's been busy. Starring in movies like X-Men? Check. Broadway? Sure, why not. Palling around the…

Starship Bridge Demo allows you to explore the bridge of Star Trek's Voyager with an Oculus Rift and trigger story…

A Star Trek strategy role-playing game that allows fans to build their dream crew out of characters from every…

Honor is never enough! This superbly-edited trailer parody of The Wolf of Wall Street by Grant Gourley throws new…

We might not have Jetsons-style mass-produced hovercars, but when you look at some of the tech humanity has…
Ground meat ain't just for hamburgers, you know. It's also for art.

Leave it to a Japanese lube maker to keep Captain Kirk's seat free of rust. Oh my.

You might think Lord of the Rings' Elvish, Star Trek's Klingon and Game of Thrones' Dothraki are all just…

The things people manage to do in Minecraft never cease to amaze—case in point, this fantastic Star Trek creation by …

I'm sure Geordi La Forge would be pleased as punch to see the visor he used to overcome his handicap reduced to a…
Jokes referencing the villager character of the new Smash Bros. started to get stale a few days after E3. Then,…

Since I was a child in the early 90s watching Star Trek: The Next Generation on TV, I have always dreamed of being…
The reveal of the Xbox One might have overshadowed content on the Internet this week, but that certainly wasn't the…

I love Star Trek. Some of my fondest early memories are of staying up late to watch reruns on the old…

You walk into a room. You're standing up, feeling pretty good. You're master of all you survey. But now it's time…