Coming soon to a web browser near you, Star Trek: Alien Domain is a multiplayer strategy game that gives fans of the beloved science fiction franchise a chance to stop all of that boldly going and put down some roots.
Developed by SambaGames in partnership with CBS Interactive, Alien Domain doesn't immediately strike me as the sort of game that would fit in the Star Trek universe. Instead of wandering the cosmos, seeking out new life and new civilizations, players are stuck in Voyager's Fluidic Space, where they must build and defend a base like so many build and defend a base games that have gone before.
There'll be spaceships, of course. It wouldn't be much of a Star Trek game without them. In fact this game has both Federation and Klingon ships, allowing players to take sides in a conflict that's still going strong in the post-Abrams continuity it's all set in.
"We're excited to make a game based on a franchise we're all such huge fans of," said Scott Wong, president of GameSamba via official announcement. "The chance to add our own story to the Star Trek universe, and help bring it to a global audience, is one of those opportunities you can only dream of."
It is a cool opportunity, and I hope they do well with it. I'm just used to Star Trek where a stationary base is the place you beam down to after all of the personnel mysteriously die.
Star Trek: Alien Domain (Coming Soon) [Official Website via Inside Social Games]