It seems like Nolan North is in everything. If there is a video game, and that video game has a voice cast, he is somehow bound to be in it somewhere.
North is now best known for his starring role as Nathan Drake, in the PS3's Uncharted series. He's a smart-ass Indiana Jones for the modern era, wrecking ruins while chasing the artifacts they hold. And director J.J. Abrams, it seems, likes Nathan Drake just as much as the rest of us do. Speaking with Eurogamer, North confirmed that based on his work as Drake, Abrams had asked him to take a small role in the upcoming sequel to 2009's hit Star Trek reboot.
North credits the cinematic, narrative style of the Uncharted games as being "leaps and bounds" ahead of where storytelling in games stood even ten years ago, and insists that the ability of games to tell detailed, quality stories is "still going up."
Nolan North wins part in Star Trek 2 off the back of Uncharted [Eurogamer]