Never mind a cohesive, complete game, the ever-increasing cash black hole that is Star Citizen has announced its…
At this weekend's PAX Australia in Melbourne, fans got a first look at the first-person shooter module for Cloud…
Lots of people who are eagerly anticipating Star Citizen are already messing about inside the currently playable…
It stands to reason that if the world of Chris Roberts' ambitious crowd-funded space sim Star Citizen has television…
Total Crowdfunding for Star Citizen Read more
Every time I think Chris Roberts' gorgeous crowdfunded space sim couldn't possibly get any better, the folks at…
The commercial for Star Citizen's MISC Freelancer may be fake, but the desire to buy is quite real, thanks to the…
Having had little to do for months but walk around their hangars, backers of Star Citizen are finally getting their…
Space games never really went away. But they've been on something of a comeback trail all the same. What happened to…
Did you enjoy the look at Chris Roberts' space combat sim Star Citizen in action from PAX East last weekend? Here's…
We've long known that the outer-space sim Star Citizen looks gorgeous; that's a big part of the reason the PC game's…
"Some say that space sims are niche. I'm not so sure." Chris Roberts, veteran game designer, comments on the news of his game, Star Citizen, reaching the $40 million crowdfunding milestone and its website receiving 10,000 new registered users. Read more
Elijah McNeal is a freelance concept artist who most recently worked on the upcoming space shooter Star Citizen.
A massive number of space sim fans have generated nearly $34 million in crowdfunding for Chris Roberts' Star Citizen.…
When you're behind the game that's broken all sorts of records for crowd-funding—$27,689,361 and counting—you…
It's not the most luxurious ride in the universe, but then it's not trying to be. Roberts Space Industries doesn't…
You know, I think Chris Roberts' pitch for Star Citizen probably went something like this: "Hey, I made Wing…
There's something fantastic about owning your own ship in a video game. From Final Fantasy to Mass Effect, whenever…
Chris Roberts' Star Citizen, which pulled in $2.1 million from its Kickstarter, continues to draw crowdfunding from other sources and has gone past the $15 million mark as of Aug. 1. That adds another ship to the game's fleet, and another goodie to those donating to the space combat title.
If everything goes according to Wing Commander creator Chris Roberts' plan, a "fully-simulated economy" might be…