It's a beautiful day outside Kotaku Tower today, and I sincerely hope it is wherever you are as well. And if it

In case your summer goals included becoming a Pokemon master, you're running out of time to catch 'em all!! Hurry!

TAY is a lot like a circus. It's full of animals, an audience of readers and of course the clowns. But this circus

Welcome back to another week of Talk Amongst Yourselves. We've missed you. Please, share with us your video game

Since Nickelodeon decided to start airing '90s programs this week, I think it's only fair to remind everyone of how

Let's take a minute and reflect on the pleasure of the company of others. Isn't it nice to have other people to talk

Another week, another Wednesday...the heat wave is over (for now...) but just in case it sneaks back onto the radar

Maybe Socrates is in San Diego. If you're there too... bring us home some swag like a good friend, will ya? The rest

So this guy walks into a bar. It's a bar where all people do is come in to enjoy each others company and talk about

Ah Wrestling. The noblest and most realistic of the Pay-Per-View programs. Anyone else feeling nostalgic for Andre

Playing video games can be a lot like summer love. You see a game from afar and from that moment on it must be

Welcome to the new week. We're sure you have plenty of concerns and responsibilities to attend to, but stop for a

It's Friday, and all I want to talk about is Harry Potter. But unless it's video game related, I'm gonna have to

If you were to ask me what I do on Thursdays, I would, at the drop of a hat, say "Why, I talk about video games, of
