I've yet to play a Deathspank game. I want to at some point, I just haven't gotten around to it yet.
I've yet to play a Deathspank game. I want to at some point, I just haven't gotten around to it yet.
Whether or not The Adventures of Tintin: The Game will turn out to be as good as we think it can be, rest assured…
As excited as you can get for a game, all the trailers, screens and hype in the world don't mean a thing unless you…
This is Blades of Time. It's a hack-and-slash game featuring a scantily clad woman named Ayumi and her giant…
The latest batch of screens showing off the nicely polished Metal Gear Solid HD Collection seem to have a puzzling…
We here at Kotaku love the idea behind NeverDead—we're not the type of folks who let something as petty as a…
For their 200th podcast, IGN's Podcast Beyond! community put together this collaboratively made music video about…
Amidst the bushels of chaos and action from upcoming games flying out of Germany this week, this idyllic new Guild…
Just about any new Bioshock Infinite news is good Bioshock Infinite news. Today the fine ladies and gents over at…
We've known for some time now that, among other things, Altair would be making his comeback as a playable character…
Happy humpday. And Happy Talk Amongst Yourselves! Lots of great stuff coming out of Gamescom for you all to discuss…
It's time for Gamescom! Anything you looking forward to seeing/hearing/smelling? Discuss what you're excited about,…
Because today is Friday, and because while we know the entire Kotaku community enjoys video games, we also know a…
You won't be able to use a sword in Fable: The Journey. Or a gun.
You need to stop what you're doing and watch this now.
On October 26th, Develop and MCV will announce the winners of the UK Game Media Awards at a swanky reception that…
Today's the day Wesley Snipes can finally add "Game Developer" to the list of roles he can list on his business…
Don't you worry, Evolution Studios plans to keep the end of the world going on for as long as possible.
We've told you about LEGO auteur and Halo enthusiast Benny Brickster before. After some time, he's back with his…
You know that place, Talk Amongst Yourselves? Where you can freely talk about video games and no one pays attention…