I confess, I find the practice of teasing a future tease frustrating, and I'm not quite sure why the video game…
I confess, I find the practice of teasing a future tease frustrating, and I'm not quite sure why the video game…
In addition to news that Wal-Mart was getting all antsy and selling the 3DS for $170 before its official August 12…
The new Resistance 3 Dev Diary says it's about the game's motion capture. And yes, for the most part, that's true.…
Third-person shooter Inversion invites a lot of comparison to Gears of War, another third person shooter that you…
I saw Blink 182 the other day. It made me feel pleasantly nostalgic, the way I do when I play video games that…
If you've been neglecting the Playstation Network's downloadable offerings, then perhaps you'd like to drop by and…
Arcade games still have a pulse, and the venerable Golden Tee Golf franchise is not going to be caught resting on…
Q Entertainment makes very pretty games like Lumines and Child of Eden. Games that are nothing at all like Monster…
Blizzard really thinks you should get with the times. There's really no reason why an always-online Diablo III…
Rise of Immortals is a free-to-play Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game currently in open beta. The game's full…
It's a beautiful day outside Kotaku Tower today, and I sincerely hope it is wherever you are as well. And if it…
At first glance, The Hidden looks an awful lot like Face Raiders, one of the free augmented reality games…
Last week, ace Kotaku Interns Jen Schiller and Joshua Rivera underwent a vital video game journalism rite of…
Welcome back to another week of Talk Amongst Yourselves. We've missed you. Please, share with us your video game…
We learned the name of the new Mario Kart today. And it's...(pause for effect)...Mario Kart 7.
Let's take a minute and reflect on the pleasure of the company of others. Isn't it nice to have other people to talk…
Like that comeback no one wants to see happen, Ubisoft's always-on DRM is making an encore appearance for the PC…
The sequel to the Playstation 3 third-person shooter Warhawk looks quite nifty, even provoking our own Brian…
The folks over at Id have released their fourth Rage developer video and this time the focus is on the wasteland.…
So this guy walks into a bar. It's a bar where all people do is come in to enjoy each others company and talk about…