Two new demos of PlayStation Move, shot by us today, show some of the coolest things that Sony's Move motion…
A skeptical world might not see video games as essential. But we can point to many games that feel worthy of this…
Sony has updated its official PlayStation Move page with a couple of new games taking advantage of the PlayStation…
Viewed in the hands of someone who helped make or market the game, the Playstation 3's motion controlled Motion…
The next edition of Tiger Woods PGA Tour will support the PlayStation "Arc" motion controller, though it's not due…
Everything changed in 2001, the year Nintendo decided that the future of gaming didn't lay in faster processors and…
EA Sports boss Peter Moore says he's keeping a close eye on 3D gaming, but while it's a new priority for Sony it's…
Sony has just announced that its motion control peripheral for the PlayStation 3 will not, as originally planned, be…
Capcom's first sortie with Project Natal will be "a brand focus ... perhaps a brand we haven't seen in a while,"…
If Wii MotionPlus or Microsoft's Project Natal are the next generations of video game motion control, what, you may…
Left 4 Dead 2, not being a Wii game, hasn't been playable by many people with motion controls. But PC peripheral…
An oblique reference to a DS successor helped turn Satoru Iwata's interview with Japan's leading newspaper into a…
Picture tennis on the Wii, but without a Remote. You could say it's like Microsoft's Project Natal, but the surprise…
Chatting with the producer of Capcom's jet-pack shooter Dark Void today, I learned that Sixaxis was not a control…
Recap: a "Resident Evil 5 Alternative Edition," was announced two weeks ago at TGS. But that's a Japanese version.…
This past weekend's Approval Ratings sought to measure your attitude toward the PSPgo, which launched this week, and…
After a week's hiatus, Kotaku Approval Ratings has returned to measure your opinions on certain games, concepts and…
This video comes from Sony's Tokyo Game Show presentation during which motion control support was revealed for LBP…
Sony Computer Entertainment Japan's TGS presser revealed that the "Resident Evil 5: Director's Cut" will employ…
The jump shot's a no brainer - Wiimote and nunchuk up, flip the 'mote, splash, as Kobe Bryant shows you. Whipping…