You’re playing Breath of the Wild, enjoying the vast expanse and the sun-drenched solitude, when suddenly, on the…
Doom is famous for running on everything from graphing calculators to ATMs, so I guess it shouldn’t be too surprising…
Kaze Emanuar, who we normally post about thanks to his astounding work modding Mario games, has with the help of…
We’ve recently taken a very detailed look at the “Nintendo PlayStation”, perhaps the most notorious of all…
A crossbow is an elegant weapon for a more civilized age, but it also lacks the stopping power of, say, an M16.
Joy-Con shoulder buttons don’t make very comfortable pinball flipper controls. That’s why Nerds&Makers’ Tommy…
Building on an idea he’s had since he was a kid, security software engineer CTurt has developed a way for people to…
The first Rayman was released back in 1995. That’s old as hell, and without a modern way to enjoy the original, fan R…
He’s got two swords, beautiful hair and some magic powers, but if there’s one thing Geralt of Rivia has been missing…
On June 19, 1999, Minh Le and Jess Cliffe released a humble little mod for the original Half-Life called…
Ever since a fan-made PC version of Mario 64 was released last month, modders have been having fun updating the…
I love it, but also, I hate it.
Fallout 4: New Vegas is a very ambitious mod that’s not just trying to recreate New Vegas inside Fallout 4, but is…
Over the years, many talented modders have improved the visual look of Grand Theft Auto V on PC. But this new mod is…
Why only have Cloud wear a dress for a small part of the Final Fantasy VII remake when you can have him wearing it…
Capcom’s old Dino Crisis, which came out in 2000, isn’t available commercially on the PC, and getting the original…
Strike fear in the hearts of your enemies in Red Dead Redemption II when you ride up on ‘em mounted on the back of a…
Last year, Super Mario 64's N64 code was reverse-engineered by fans, allowing for all kinds of new and exciting…
From Software’s 2015 PS4 hit Bloodborne captivated at least as much as it frustrated (which is to say a lot). Its…
This isn’t an ideal way to play the game, but if you absolutely need to play Half-Life: Alyx and don’t have a VR…