Now that we're all back from the whirlwind that was GDC 2011, the nightly open thread can resume its regular…
Growing up the neighborhood eccentric was a guy named Herb. He wore loud pants (often bought from a yard sale) and…
Welcome back to the work week, Kotaku readers. It's going to be a hell of a busy one for your tireless Kotaku…
Oh, Friday! We're so happy to see you. Let's put you to bed with a cup of warm conversation, maybe some laughter—but…
Even when you work from home you can still dream about work, though it does take that whole "I went to work naked,"…
Technically, I'm not even allowed to be posting this. But this semi-nightly open thread must go live, embargoes be…
Tomorrow, Kotaku does some traveling, with one of us heading to San Francisco to look at video games, one of us…
Welcome back to the workweek, Kotaku readers. How are you loving that new scroll bar? This is the place where we can…
Kotaku readers, I'll politely ask you to talk amongst yourselves in off-topic (or on-topic) conversation. Movies,…
Happy Thursday, Kotaku readers. We're almost done with this workweek, so let's celebrate how far we've come with…
Hey, Kotaku. Today started off bad with a dickish e-mail, but was redeemed by the completed funding of a Robocop…
Welcome to tonight's themed open thread, Kotaku readers. While your free to make conversation on any topic, video…
Ah, crap. Monday again. Thank goodness this one's over and I managed to score the last heart-shaped box of Russel…
Hoo boy! Thanks for sticking with us for the work week, die hard Kotaku readers. We're zipping up our anatomically…
Tonight's open thread on Kotaku might (once again) be about super hero movies. Now that we've all gotten to take a…
Tonight's open thread is brought to you by fennel. Let's all thank the great bulb for hosting this semi-nightly post…
Tonight's open thread falls on a Tuesday. And Tuesdays now carry revolving themes. In tonight's open thread, let's…
Hey, Kotaku. Rough day? Yeah, man, you don't know the half of it. On hard Mondays like this, I turn to the Growing…
Are you ready for some football? Or are you simply gearing up for some big advertising? Do you have any idea what…
Hey, Kotakus! While some of us are plumbing the depths of blocky dungeons, the rest of you can join us in off-topic…