The world record for beating Prey is now 6:59 without load times, making Arkane Studios’ sci-fi thriller one of the…
The world record for beating Prey is now 6:59 without load times, making Arkane Studios’ sci-fi thriller one of the…
“Uh oh, I haven’t saved yet.”
You’ve probably never given any of the SpongeBob games a second thought, but one speedrunner is playing thousands of…
For years, speedrunners have been trying to collect 120 Mario 64 stars in under 1:40:00. People have come close, but…
There’s a new world record for beating Super Mario Bros. quickly—and it may be the fastest possible time that a…
For most people, beating Fallout 4 means sinking dozens of hours into the game—and that’s just sticking to the main…
Speedcuber Lucas Etter was able to complete the Rubik’s Cube mind-blowingly fast. Solving it in 4.90 seconds is not…
The arcane missile bombardment has finally stopped, the dust has cleared, and the longest turn in Hearthstone history
This video features about half an hour of a guy doing nothing but walking up and down stairs in Final Fantasy for…
1,158 players. 5,089 vehicles destroyed. 53,729 kills. Big numbers, is what I'm saying.
There's more to Awesome Games Done Quick than what's on the Twitch stream. People are hanging out, playing games,…
This is a proper, literal, speedrun from Zero Master. He runs, it is speedy. The 23m03s time is also relatively…
Beaten in 59:15 to be exact and, according to the speedrunner, Allakazzaror, this is a new world record—the…
Traffic is bad enough when there are cars all around you. It's worse when they're on top of you and you're floating…
In December of 2010, New York area plastic surgeon Hank Chien set the world record high score for Donkey Kong —…
And the guy playing only died seven times. Masterful!
You'd scream, too, if you did something better and faster than anyone else in the world. Like completing the…
It's pretty impressive to survive 30 or 40 waves of enemies in the Proving Grounds, a World of Warcraft scenario…
Spelunky players just refuse to give up. It makes sense, considering the game they've chosen to spend so much time…
After months of theorycrafting and planning, speedrunner quadrazid and his friends were able to run through Half-Life…